Monday, December 06, 2004

The Answer to Prayer

Yet again, this is not a continuation of my testimony, unfortunately. But soon. I believe. Unless my teachers continue to bombard me with seemingly endless amounts of homework (that I still find time to procrastinate).

Anyways, I went to the doctor's today, and the strep test was NEGATIVE!!! Yay! I don't have strep. Thank You, God! I also found out that there's only a couple antibiotics I can't take with accutane, and the strep antibiotic is one I can actually take with accutane.

Following the feeling I had in my throat Saturday (which was what I usually feel before strep, like my throat is on the verge of hurting but wasn't really yet), it never got worse. I got a slight, very very slight runny nose, and my throat just stayed the same.

Thank you very much for praying for me! I truly do appreciate it. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

†God Bless†

Saturday, December 04, 2004

A Prayer Request

This is not a continuation of my testimony, though that will soon come, don't worry. I just have a prayer request, and I'd really appreciate it if even one person in this blogger world prayed for me.

First of all, let me explain the situation. I have been taking this medacine called "Accutane" for about six weeks now for my acne problem. It is a four-to-six month process. While on it, my skin dries up alot, I lose the oils in it, and I become very sensitive to skin diseases and sunlight.

Another thing about this Accutane is that I can't take antibiotics with it, which is the main problem now. If I do, there's likely brain injury or possible death.

One of my really close friends just got strep throat. Unfortunately, I think I caught it as well. My mouth tastes like strep and my throat is beginning to hurt. The cure for strep is commonly antibiotics, but right now I can't take any, and Accutane doesn't leave my system for about one month after I stop taking it.

My prayer request is this: please pray that either one--I don't really have strep throat and am just extremely paranoid, two--my throat be completely healed and I not have strep anymore, or three--there is another cure for strep that doesn't involve antibiotics. I really don't want to get really sick. I don't want to miss school: it's too hard to make up. I don't want to infect other people. It's just a huge problem.

I know God knows what will happen. I know He has a solution. I know that I must trust that He loves me and that "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." But please pray for me still. God does listen to prayers, and He does answer them. Thank you. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

†God Bless†