Sunday, July 11, 2004

Human Nature...Will It Ever Change?

I realized something when I was playing Monopoly with my dad and my two younger sisters (not too much younger, one's 2 years and 3 and a half months younger, the other 4 years and 2 and a half months younger). We had just "bought" all of the properties and only I had a monopoly, so my dad was proposing numerous trades so that people other than myself could actually have monopolies in order to make the game more interesting. Each proposal would benefit everybody, but neither of my sisters wanted whatever trade they made to benefit the other. They wanted to have the best cards and their sibling to have the worst or no cards. There were several proposals that could have easily caused both of them to have some of the best cards possible, but neither of them seemed to be able to imagine helping the other in any way. It was just against what they wanted.

This is human nature. To be selfish and not look out for the needs of others. I know both my sisters are Christians (and just sometimes don't act that way). Imagine what could be going on in the minds of those who are non-Christians. It's amazing what humans are capable of doing. If only there was another way. If only we could just love each other. If only.... I don't think there's any benefit to asking the "if only." It just leads to discouragement. It can cause a person to momentarily live in a world that is of the imagination. It's not beneficial. Sin definately isn't benefical either.

Just a closing thought to leave you with: If you're not growing, you're dying. Both in the spiritual sense and business sense. As a Christian, if you refuse not to move the pressure of the world around you will make you go backwards. We as Christians can't be complacent and hope that the world will change to match our lifestyles. We need to be spiritual warriors, and fight our natural human nature.

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

†God Bless†

1 comment:

jacob.thrasher said...

This post is further proof of why I love to visit your blog. You rock, Bria!

You're right; humans are so egocentric. I guess that stems from the fact that we are such finite beings. We are unable to view anything from any point of view but our own. If we could see the big picture, the plan God has, we would be much better off. However, we are only human, and therefore our sin nature causes us to strive for only what benefits us. Sometimes, we will intentionally try to deprive others, simply out of spite.

Human nature is so annoying. Non-Christians, as you said, have even less control over their sin nature than Christians, since non-Christians have yet to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus. All the crime, all the sin in the world proves that fact, especially since the world is growing so morally cold.

I love your final thought too. A system left to itself will naturally move toward a greater state of chaos (which law of thermodynamics is that?), and that law applies to the spiritual realm too. We will slide toward sin if we stop moving forward in our Christian walk.

Bria, to shorten my comment, I'll just say AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!

You're awesome, sister.