Monday, March 21, 2005

Science Olympiad Resolution's been over a month since I last created a post. Kinda crazy, isn't it? The whole science olympiad problem was resolved actually one or two days after i wrote the post.

I was happy with what ended up happening. The girl who should of made the team did, causing one person (actually my sister) to be pushed to the Junior Varsity team. I was fine with this because 1-the girl who should have made the team truly deserved to make the team and 2-we could not have made a good team without her. I believe everyone was happy with the solution in the end.

Well...i haven't been posting because i never seem to have time. And the times I do actually have time I want to do something else. I am so behind in so many routine, daily activities (like reading my Bible and writing in my journal) that life seems crazy and hectic. It also doesn't help that my room looks like some strong wind moved everything to the floor. It's just, there's never time.

Or is there? Maybe the time I don't need to spend watching TV or playing games could be spent doing more benefitial things, like reading my Bible? Maybe if I stopped avoiding bed I might get enough sleep and not be too tired to do anything? Maybe if I didn't procrastinate, I wouldn't spend forever on my homework?

I suppose the lack of time is my fault. For the time that doesn't seem to be there has actually just been poorly wasted. A time management system could help solve this. Maybe.

Anyways...I feel like I'm going on and on about the same point. So I'll leave now. Goodbye. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good.

†God Bless†

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