Tuesday, August 03, 2004


At WOW JAM, at total of 558 people got saved in three days! Isn't that just amazing! It was so great.

Just tonight I realized something that I had ignored for a while. I just recently finished "The Fred Factor" by Mark Sanborn. It was a good book, though in some ways it didn't apply to me because of how I don't yet have a job and am just now starting high school. It talked about doing the extrordinary in every aspect of life and going above and beyond the call of duty. I've also been doing my daily Bible reading in the morning instead of in the middle or at the end of the day. In some ways, just changing the time that I read has seemed to cause my days to go by more smoothly and with less arguements. Maybe it's because I can remember things from the morning better than I can from the previous night.

But that is not what I meant to focus this post on. Today, I decided to conduct a "experiment" on the reaction of my sister (the middle child, a little more than 2 years younger than I am). You see, she has appeared to have analyzed "do to others what you would have them do to you" into "If my sister does something mean to me, I have the right to do the same thing mean back to her." I decided to see if she analyzed it to mean "if my sister does something nice to me, I am in debt to that sister and must therefore do something even nicer to her." I did a few somewhat new acts of kindness towards her, and guess what happened? She treated me very nicely for the rest of the day instead of appearing angry whenever she saw me.

I have decided to try to apply the "being nice with acts of kindness" feature in every way I can. Maybe then people will respond with kindness, and my life will be even more full of joy than it already is. I wonder what the world would be like if people were just always nice to other people. It would certainly be a much better place. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

†God Bless†


Anonymous said...

Brianna, its sara
and I READ FRED FACTOR TOO! well I'm in the middle of it.
I got in trouble and had to leave dance ministry, which is why I wasnt at wow jam otherwise I would have been. But anywho, mrs. vikki thought it would be good for me to read the Fred Factor, and ive found so far that it doesnt have to just do with work, although some parts are, and i have trouble applying each chapter to my life. I have mostly been able to apply the create value for others, which is something my teenage self has trouble doing.

Hope to see you this winter at Upward


jacob.thrasher said...

Well, now you've got me wanting to read the Fred Factor. I'd say that my reading list is officially--uh, long or something. Verrrry long.

558 people in three days? That's great! Soon, our youth group is going to visit the Open Door Home for Boys, and you can bet that I will be going. Unfortunately, there are only about four guys (counting myself) who are willing to go at present. We really need more than that.

Random acts of kindness are great. I guess you could actually trace your experience back to the principle of sowing and reaping. It would be so great if people would just walk in love as they are supposed to. If kids were taught in school to be nice instead of being taught how to have safe sex, the world would be a nicer place.

A little love goes a long way. (You rock, Bria!)

Be blessed!